Chaupher News –
We are delighted to announce our new Head Boy Prasad Sonawane , and Head Girl Khushi Panjabi.They will play a key role in the school community and will lead a team of prefects.
Prasad and Khushi will act as role models and figureheads at Prachiti International School . They will represent the school at a wide variety of events and work with a team of carefully selected prefects to help ensure the smooth running of the school. They will assist staff, support younger students, help to maintain our high standards, organise events and represent the school in the community.
Selected Cadidates were faciliated by second position captains. Principal Mrs. Vaishali Lade and both co ordinators Shri. Vaibhav Sonawane Sir, Shri. Tushar Deore Sir has congratulated to selected cadidates by giving bouquet. Hon. Chairman Shri. Prashant Patil Sir appreciated and praised for the work of election team . All teaching, non teaching staff and students congratulated head girl and head boy.